July 9: RESIGNED: the sharp-tongued Susannah Martin

Today in Salem: The sharp-tongued Susannah Martin rubs the inside corners of her eyes and breathes shakily. She’s hardly slept the last two nights.

This is the second time she’s been found guilty of witchcraft. But the first time – more than 20 years ago – the charges were dismissed. Couldn’t that happen again? Especially since Rebecca Nurse has been reprieved?

It’s been nine days since Susannah’s trial, and each day it’s more clear: The answer is no. She and Rebecca Nurse are the same age, but they couldn’t be more different. Where Rebecca is soft-spoken, Susannah is forthright and even rude. Rebecca’s long membership in the church is a rebuke to Susannah, who rarely goes. Rebecca is still cared for by a well-respected husband. Susannah is a widow.

Susannah has no regrets. She’d tried being a good Puritan, but it was like wearing a cap that was too tight. God has already ordained whether she is saved or damned, and nothing she says or does will make a difference. Why put on a show? Why constrict herself?

Tomorrow in Salem: LIFE OR DEATH: the rebellious Sarah Wilds