July 11: REVOKED: the beloved Rebecca Nurse’s reprieve

Today in Salem: Two men take their hats off as they enter the governor’s office. They’ve taken the entire day away from their farms to ride to Boston and back for this 5-minute conversation.

In the week since she was reprieved, they say, Rebecca Nurse’s specter has defiantly tormented the afflicted girls, gleeful that the governor was blind to the truth. The reprieve should be revoked, and these letters say why. The men unfold them on the desk, the paper crackling.

The governor skims the letters and thinks for a moment. He’s about to lead hundreds of militia into Maine to fight the French and Indians, and he’s too busy with preparations to be concerned with one case from an outlying village. Fine, yes. He revokes the reprieve and waves them away.

Tomorrow in Salem: REVOKED: the beloved Rebecca Nurse’s fate changes